Galway Advertiser

Fri, Mar 15, 2024


Galway’s Blue Teapot Theatre Company will represent Ireland at the BAFTA qualifying Oska Bright Film Festival (UK ), screening three self-produced films on St. Patrick’s Day, Sunday March 17, as part of Reel Ireland documentary strand.

Oska Bright is the world’s leading festival for films made by or featuring people with intellectual disabilities or autism. Held in Brighton, the annual event screens over 100 films with Blue Teapot’s documentary ‘Enquire Within’ chosen to close the week-long festival and is nominated for an award in the Best Story of a Life category. Screening with ‘Enquire Within’ are two other Blue Teapot produced documentaries – ‘Prophecy’ (2021 ) and ‘My Light will Blind You’ (2022 ).

Award winning independent filmmaker Fionn Rogers directed all three films. Speaking about the projects, Rogers explained: “The three documentaries are all very different and very special in their own way. ‘Enquire Within’ was the most rewarding to work on, because of how organic it was and how the concept grew so naturally from the ground up”.

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