Join Us in Preserving Galway’s Treasures

At Dúchas na Gaillimhe – Galway Civic Trust, our mission is to protect and enhance Galway’s heritage in tangible ways. By becoming a member, you become a vital part of our collective voice, advocating for culturally sensitive developments and the safeguarding of our heritage. Moreover, your support directly contributes to our active assistance of heritage, conservation, community groups, and organizations in their important endeavors.

As the old saying goes, “Ní neart go cur le chéile” – there is no strength without unity. Together, let’s stand united in our commitment to preserve the beauty and authenticity of Galway’s heritage for the enjoyment and enlightenment of generations to come.

From now until 31 August 2023, you can secure your place within the Galway Civic Trust community with our special membership discount. Embrace the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Galway’s natural, built, and cultural heritage.

Individual Membership: €10 for a Year

Indulge your love for heritage by joining us as an individual member for just €10 a year. With your individual membership, you’ll gain access to a range of exclusive benefits:

  • Heritage Insights: Stay informed about the latest developments in Galway’s heritage preservation efforts, as well as upcoming events and initiatives.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow heritage enthusiasts, professionals, and volunteers who are actively engaged in preserving Galway’s unique legacy.
  • Engaging Events: Enjoy priority access to Galway Civic Trust’s curated events, workshops, talks, and guided tours that delve into the heart of our city’s heritage.

Family Membership: €15 for a Year

Nurture a sense of unity within your family as you embark on a heritage journey together. Our family membership, available for just €15 a year, offers a range of benefits tailored to enrich your family’s experience:

  • Educational Adventures: Create lasting memories with your loved ones through our family-friendly events, designed to bring Galway’s heritage to life for all ages.
  • Interactive Learning: Delve into Galway’s history through interactive activities and workshops that cater to both young and old, sparking curiosity and a sense of connection.
  • Quality Family Time: Strengthen bonds and create shared experiences as you explore Galway’s heritage sites and engage in meaningful conversations about our city’s past, present, and future.

Become a member
Glac ballraiocht


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