13 August, 12pm – 5pm
14 August, 10am – 5pm
15 August, 10am – 5pm
16 August, 10am – 5pm
17 August, 10am – 5pm
18 August, 10am – 5pm
19 August, 10am – 5pm
20 August, 12pm – 5pm

  • Galway City Museum (Education Room 2nd Floor)
  • Spanish Arch Galway
  • H91 CX5P
  • Co. Galway – County

Showcasing eleven stories of noteworthy men and women from around the Corrib shores. These persons will have contributed a footprint of interest in society during their lives, maybe not setting the world on fire, but creating a spark that mattered, be it locally nationally, or internationally. The exhibition will run throughout Heritage week from Sunday 13 August 2023 and on to Wednesday 20 September 2023.

In keeping with this year’s heritage week theme, and in meeting the aims of Corrib Beo in ‘Bringing Communities, Nature and Economy Together for the Corrib’, this exhibition used the ‘Meitheal’ tradition of our living heritage.

It is the collaborative work of eleven community groups (Maigh Cuilinn, Collinamuck, Oughterard, Corr na Móna, Headford, Donaghpatrick/Kilcoona, Menlo, Galway Civic Trust and Galway’s Own), five Irish language coordinators (An Bruach Thoir, An tEachréidh, Bearna / Cnoc na Cathrach, Dúiche Sheoigheach agus Tuar Mhic Éadaigh and Gaeilge Mhaigh Cuilinn), and is kindly supported by local authorities (Galway City Museum, Galway County Council Heritage Office and LAWPRO).

Further Information

Corrib Beo

Discover more from Galway Civic Trust - Dúchas Na Gaillimhe

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