Best of Luck to Bridget Alcorn on her retirement

Picture (L-R): Thomas Quinlan, Tommy Conneely, Don Clifford, Bridget Alcorn, Brendan McGlinchey


Galway Civic Trust / Dúchas na Gaillimhe, wishes Bridget Alcorn a fond farewell and the best of luck on her retirement!

Bridget was our CE Scheme supervisor (Kilcornan Community Development Association) for the past number of years.

She was a cornerstone of the work carried out by Galway Civic Trust. We thank her for the commitment, professionalism, and friendship shared with all of us at Galway Civic Trust.


In the picture above, taken outside our offices on Druid Lane, Thomas Quinlan (Secretary) presents Bridget with the Keys for the Gates of Galway!


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