On this Day…16 January

On this day, 16 January, 1386, the salmon fishery of Galway was granted to Richard Parrys, burgess of Bristol; for two years, at twenty marks annually. Richard de Burgo and Henry Blake (a burgess of Galway) were commanded not to interfere with the fishery in any manner whatsoever. The Galway Read more…

On this Day…….19 August

By Ian Brophy On this Day…….19 August. On this day, 19 August, 1504, the Battle of Knockdoe took place. Regarded as one of the bloodiest battles to take place during medieval history, it occurred near Lackagh, north of Galway. The battle of Knockdoe; ‘ Cnoc Tuagh ‘, meaning ‘the hill Read more…

On this day… 29 July

By Ian Brophy, Galway Civic Trust On this day, 29 July, 1326, Richard de Burgo, the ‘Red Earl’, died at Athassel Priory in Co. Tipperary, and was buried there. Athassel Priory was founded by the Augustinians under the patronage of William de Burgo, sometime in the late 1100’s. William de Read more…

On this Day…. 15 June

By Ian Brophy    On this day, 15 June, 1919, a plane landed in a bog outside Clifden, Co. Galway. It sluggishly came to a stop, up-ended, and took a nose-dive. This most inhospitable, barren landscape – Derrigimlagh Bog – was already the home of the first transatlantic wireless station. Read more…

On this Day! … 15 March

On this day, Isabella Augusta Persse was born. She was born into wealth, her family being the wealthy Persse family, the distillers of Persse’s Galway whiskey. She was the 12th of 16 children. She received her education at home, where her future was strongly influenced by the family nanny, Mary Read more…